Local Marketing: You Need YouTube

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(Part IV) Local Marketing: You Need YouTube for SEO and Video Marketing

Google is easily the biggest search engine in the market right now. And while Facebook and Twitter are exceedingly popular social media networks, the second most popular search engine may actually surprise you…

Introduce Your Business on YouTube

YouTube, the video-sharing phenomenon, is the 2nd biggest search engine online. Setting up a profile for your business on this video-based platform will expose your services to the second largest consumer market on the internet and billions of searches per month. Participating in this exponentially growing market of video media is an increasingly important element in your advertising strategy. Diversifying your marketing medium with an active Youtube profile has the added bonus of increasing your ranking on Google’s search engine as well.

Attach Your Business to Your Location

There are several places in which you should list your physical and online locations on your profile and your content posts.

1. Geotags: In YouTube’s advanced settings, you can select your physical location on a Google map. The platform will store your longitude and latitude information and use it to connect you with local audiences.

2. Tags: Including effective keywords, hashtags, and local references into your video details is an effective means of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

3. Citations: Citations are listing of your business’s name, address, website, contact information, and links. When your citations appear (with uniform data) on popular networks, it increases the authority of your business on the web. Since YouTube is the second largest search engine, knowing where and how to list your citations is of great importance in improving your rankings and searchability:

  • List Citations in your profile description.
  • List Citations on the description of each of your videos.
  • Incorporate your Citations at the end of your videos.
  • Utilize transcripts on your videos to capture Citations in all areas for information.

    4. Localized Titles: Incorporating your location name or details into your video titles is an additional means of reaching your maximum SEO potential.

    Engage Your Viewers with Interesting Content

    Creating basics videos about your business and your services is a good foundation for your YouTube database. But injecting creativity and strategy into your video content will gain more viewers and improve your rankings and searchability in an organic fashion. Try a series of informative tutorials, or a campaign highlighting various aspects of your products in services. Focus on quality content over quantity of output to have the most effective impact on your audience.

    Consider embedding your videos on YouTube as opposed to your own site. By storing this information on the host platform, it is allows other sites easy access to sharing your content. It also associates your business with one of the major internet platforms, improving your rankings and searchability when user do searches on through the likes of Google.

    Use An Agency To Promote Your Content

    Don’t shy away from promoting your YouTube channel on your other social media and marketing platforms. Consider working with a Digital Marketing Agency to ensure you have all the tools and expertise needed to use these platforms at their maximum efficiency. CM2 Media can help you tailor your advertising strategies to capture your local market.

    CM2 Media is a marketing agency that specializes in getting your business noticed online. Contact Us today so we can help get your business noticed through video marketing, YouTube and SEO


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